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Content Management Systems


Marketing Tip Monday: Content management is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Producing appealing content is half the battle. Gain more control over your website and target your audience on the most appropriate platform for them. Whether you use simple or more complex platforms, a strong content management system will help you more efficiently maintain your content to convert inquiries into leads. Allow us to develop your content and set your platforms up from scratch, or easily manage, edit, or update pre-constructed content for you. Amaniac Design has experience with many different content management system platforms with a variety of plug-ins and themes, including open-source platforms, such as: Concrete 5, Joomla, Squarespace, Wild Apricot, and WordPress.

Make updates and improvements quickly, efficiently, and securely, saving your business time and money. Not only will you maintain control, but we’ll ensure that your search engine ranking improves, users feel encouraged to engage with your content, and that you remain relevant in the marketplace on the best platform for your brand. Our multi-channel campaign approach, allows us to properly target your audience, while simultaneously increasing brand awareness, supporting your business as it grows and adapts, and maximizing mobile-optimization. We’ll customize the platform in use and always implement the latest platform upgrades, widgets, and theme features that will maintain your relevance both in and out of cyberspace, and across multiple channels. Contact Amaniac Design for assistance.



8101 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 512

Miami, FL 33138


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