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A.I. Justice goes digital with their quarterly newsletter


Amaniac Design welcomes Americans for Immigrant Justice to our family of clients. We are most excited to transform their printed newsletter into email format, SEO dynamic website pages, and cut-sheet templates to print on the fly (as needed).

Initially A.I. Justice looked to Amaniac for a redesign of their printed quarterly newsletter. With the recommendation from Amaniac, A.I. Justice was able to drastically reduce the overall budget of the newsletter by going electronic, as well as, boost the potential for online visibility and viral activity.

Americans for Immigrant Justice (AI Justice), formerly Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center (FIAC)

Mission: To protect and promote the basic human rights of immigrants through a unique combination of free direct services, impact litigation, policy reform, and public education at local, state, and national levels.

Vision: To bring about an American society where immigrants are not subjected to abuse or injustice; are not afraid to seek help; have a fair opportunity to make their case in the system that governs them; and have their contributions valued and encouraged.

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